Denver, CO – Larry Stockton (CEO) and Bob Olin (COO/President) announce the inception of 360 Rail Services, LLC. 360 Rail provides multiple services to the rail industry. Services include design, construction, design-build and operations. With the ability to go from concept to construction, all the services offered will be customized to fit the needs of the rail client.
“Transportation of commodities by rail is the most economical path to North America’s future” Larry Stockton, CEO of 360 Rail Services said. “Investments in industrial and passenger rail applications pay for themselves several times over, for users utilizing these methods and services —financially, economically, and environmentally.”
“As business leaders, we believe the rail industry should be a pillar of our economic development strategy,” Bob Olin said. “It’s the most efficient way to move commodities for our customers, it also helps attract the most innovative businesses to our region.”
360 Rail Services team consists of experienced and innovative leaders to effectively enhance the rail industry of the future. As the rail industry continues to grow, 360 Rail will be there to lead the way.